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Public Work Loans Board Application 3 Jun 2018 (Braunston Parish Council) PWLB loan / Grant applications submitted to enable Wheeled Park and Play Area projects

As agreed at the Annual Parish Meeting the Parish Council have submitted the papers for their loan application of £90,000 to the PWLB

They have also submitted detailed paperwork to support their grant application which has been provisionally allocated

Once the loan and grant are approved the Parish Council will be able to commence the Wheeled Park construction which hopefully will be over this summer, the works and sign off have to be agreed by the 31st October as part of the grant conditions

The Play Area budget has been agreed and once final consultation with the village have taken place with regard the final design then subject to loan and grant being fully finalised this works will then be commissioned.

I have attached copies of the loan apllication for those who are interested


Steve Rolt

Clerk to Braunston Parish Council

[email protected]







BVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBraunston Village Charity