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Braunston Canal Society News

Fire Path Cleared 22 Mar 2015 23 Volunteers clear over a quarter of a mile of path

23 Volunteers turned out for a work party on Saturday 21st march.

We estimate that over a quarter of a mile of overgrown pathway was cleared by the group and special mention should be made of Cameron, Lauren and Amy our 3 youngest volunteers. Young Cameron did not stop shovelling all day and put some of the older members to shame with his enthusiasm and stamina. Cameron's mum, Gillian, also attended as did Lauren and Amy's parents.

A considerable amount of litter was collected and bagged and this was left beside the gate on Welton Lane for collection by the CRT .

Some of the group concentrated on cutting back brambles and overgrown trees so that the pathway could be restored to its natural width and is now wide enough for a fire engine to drive down should the need occur.   

A number of local residents have also expressed an interest in helping to clear the remaining area and our group will work towards organising a further work party soon.


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