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Raising awareness of Cervical Cancer 10 Nov 2023 Raising awareness of Cervical Cancer

With 1 in 3 of those eligible have not yet received their cervical screening, therefore Public Health in West Northants are calling all eligible residents to either attend or book their appointment if they have missed it.

Women aged between 25 to 64 are offered regular cervical screening (also known as a smear test) through their GP to check the health of their cervix and look for early signs of changes which can be caused by the onset of cervical cancer.

Those aged 25 to 49 will be offered a screening appointment every 3 years
Those aged 50 to 64 will be offered the screening every 5 years.

Dr Annapurna Sen, Consultant in Health Protection for West Northamptonshire Council says:

“I am encouraging all women to be aware of any signs that could indicate cervical cancer. These may include unusual vaginal bleeding, changes in vaginal discharge and lower back pain. If you notice any change that you are unsure of, please contact your GP to discuss further.

“If you have had an invite for your cervical cancer screening appointment, please do attend as this is vital in early diagnosis and treatment. If you have missed your appointment, I strongly urge you to rebook this with your GP.”

In addition to the above, children in year 8, aged between 12 and 13 will be offered the Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) which reduces the chance of HPV, a common virus that's spread through skin contact, usually when having sex and can be linked to an increased risk of cervical cancer spreading.  Vaccination clinics will be held at schools across West Northamptonshire, please look out for your child’s invite. It is important to discuss this with your child and respond promptly to give consent and avoid missing this opportunity to protect your child’s health.

For further information on Cervical Screening: NHS: Cervical screening and for latest information on the HPV vaccine please see: Immunisation | West Northamptonshire Council

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