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Have your say 3 May 2024 Have your say on the (draft) West Northants Carer Strategy 2024-2029

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) are asking for local carers or someone supporting a carer to share their views and feedback on the newly drafted five-year Carer Strategy.

The draft strategy is for all unpaid carers that live in, or care for someone that lives in West Northants, and has been developed together with local carers, ensuring their voices drive forward progress over the next few years to provide the right support and information for them.

Chosen by our local carers, 17 priorities have been identified to focus on improving over the next five years as well as specific measurements to track progress which the Council would like to seek views on. Each priority has a set of actions that will support achieving the priority over the five year period. More details on each of the priorities and how they will be achieved can be found in the strategy.

Cllr Matt Golby, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health at WNC said:

“Being a carer is a truly selfless role and many carers do not even recognise themselves as a carer – often putting the needs of a loved one before their own. Speaking to local carers, we have heard firsthand of the demand both on our carers themselves and care system – and they are set to continue to grow.

“Carers play such an increasingly important role in our society and vital in supporting people to stay as healthy as they can be and live fulfilling lives, but we know carers need looking after too. Together with them and our partners, the Council is committed to improving the help and support available with this strategy aiming to take forward these improvements. That’s why it is so important we get it right and we can only do this by receiving feedback from as many local carers as possible. I really do encourage carers to please take the time to have their say – it will be listened too.”

Please tell us your views by completing this online questionnaire via the online consultation survey.  The council will review all feedback with our group of local carers and make any necessary changes, before taking it to Cabinet for final approval.  

Your feedback will be part of reports with other people’s feedback, so you will not be personally identified.

The survey will close at midnight on Thursday 30 May 2024

Contact Information

West Northamptonshire Council Communications Team
[email protected]