We are delighted to announce to residents of Braunston that, in addition to original terms of use, the community car will now be able to travel outside the village for health and wellbeing purposes (for example Hospital, Doctor and Dentist appointments).
This service will be available to people with limited mobility or no private transport.All we ask is that you give a donation towards the running costs.
You will need to register with the Community Car Scheme but this can be done when we collect you for the first time.
The car is driven by trained drivers who all live in Braunston and many of them you will already know. We do however still have vacancies for more volunteer drivers so if you have an hour or 2 to spare then please contact Abigail Campbell [email protected]
To book a journey in the Community Car please call 01530 518983 – this number is answered by call centre staff on our behalf who will arrange for a driver to collect you and bring you back home if required.
If for any reason you cannot get through on the phone number, then please let us know by e mailing Abigail, Wendy or Graham at [email protected]
The car scheme is funded solely by donations so if you would like to help to keep the car running please send your donation to Abigail at 35 The Green, Braunston