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Braunston Parish Council News

Daventry Community Larder 25 Jul 2022 Daventry Community Larder 27th July 12.30-1.30 pm

I have been asked to spread the word about the Daventry Community Larder which is opening on Wednesday 27th July.  Although based in the town it is open to neighbouring villages so your help putting the attached poster on your  village Facebook pages and/ or putting a paper copy on noticeboards would be much appreciated.


As you will see from the poster members of the Community Larder members can shop once a week and choose their items at significantly discounted (fruit and vegetables are free). Bags can also  be made up and delivered to  any member who is immobile or unable to travel. I will be helping out at the first opening and intend to volunteer there regularly,  so will be able to deliver bags to any of your residents who are unable to travel to Daventry.