Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Charity


SmartWater can be painted (or dabbed) onto any of your valuable possessions. It can only be seen under ultra-violet light and so a thief will not notice it but, when caught, the Police will see it. Each batch is different and registered to you. This helps the Police prove that the goods are stolen and also helps to get them back to you, the righful owner.

There is a very special deal for members of any Neighbourhood Watch scheme. The initial cost is reduced to just £15 + VAT+P&P (=£18.63) and the annual registration cost is waived altogether.

If you live in Braunston you can order your kit by contacting Julie Jarrett, our  Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator.

Contact Us

Contact Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Julie Jarrett

Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Charity