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Braunston Parish Council News

Neighbourhood Plan Update 3 Feb 2017 How the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan have come about

Braunston Parish Council

The following points came up during the four years of consultation and planning. The Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 16th February.  

What people said about housing and living in Braunston 

  • Concerns that there are not enough opportunities for young people in Braunston and older residents wishing to downsize to find suitable properties.

What has been put in the Plan

Policy A supports small scale residential development within the village.

Policy B supports affordable housing and prioritises those with a Braunston connection.


  • 93% were positive or very positive about living in Braunston. Comments mentioned the shops and facilities.  

Policy E supports the retention and development of local services and community facilities


  • Many people have a preference for living in a rural area. 

Policy H protects important views.

Policy I says that developments in open area will only be supported if they do not harm the landscape, ecology and history.

Policy M supports sustainable development that is ‘in-keeping’. 


The full Neighbourhood Plan, known officially as the Referendum Version is available on the website Paper copies are available in the Community Café and at All Saints’ Church.