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Council adopts Local Plan 25 Feb 2020 (Braunston Parish Council) Council adopts Local Plan for Daventry District

A major planning policy document containing detailed guidance that will help shape the future development of Daventry District has been adopted.


The Daventry District Settlements and Countryside (Part 2) Local Plan sets out where new homes could go to meet future housing need, as well as the best locations for new businesses, to create employment opportunities.


It will be used to help determine planning applications and will supplement policies in the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy, adopted in 2014, as well as in Neighbourhood plans.


Contained within the Plan are a number of specific sites in Daventry which have been identified as suitable locations for future development. These include:

Three sites for residential development in Daventry, delivering around 1,500 homes in total, including: around 1,100 homes off Stefen Way south west of Daventry; 250 homes at Micklewell Park north of Daventry; and 100 homes on the Middlemore housing estate.
Four employment sites in Daventry with an emphasis on encouraging small to medium sized units, including: Heartlands Business Park and land north of Naysmyth Road on the Drayton Fields industrial estate; The Knoll, in the Marches industrial estate; and Daventry South East Gateway, next to the Marches.
Exploring a range of uses for land on Eastern Way and in the Waterloo, Old Gasworks and Chaucer Way area of Daventry to the north-west of Daventry town centre, to help with the town’s regeneration.


Developed by Daventry District Council over a number of years and shaped by input from key stakeholders including local residents, parish councils and businesses, the Local Plan was adopted at the meeting of Full Council on Thursday (20 February).


It helps identify which areas should be protected from development and contains policies to protect the District’s distinctive landscapes, biodiversity and history, as well as its leisure facilities and green spaces.


This includes an extensive Special Landscape Area which recognises the special qualities of the landscape in some parts of the District, as well as the designation of ‘green wedges’ of countryside on the edges of Daventry and Northampton to separate these urban areas from nearby villages.


The Plan also sets out a ‘settlement hierarchy’ which recognises that villages have different roles and characters, and contains specific policies requiring homes to be built to certain space standards and levels of accessibility.


The needs of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople also feature, with the Plan setting out the number of plots and pitches required over the next 12 years to meet the standards set by Government.


Running to 2029, it will remain in place after DDC is replaced by a new West Northamptonshire Council in April next year.


Councillor Alan Chantler, Daventry District Council’s Strategic Planning Portfolio Holder said: “The Local Plan will play an important role in guiding the future development and growth of our District, as well as protecting communities from inappropriate development.


“The preparation of this strategic policy document has been an important project for the Council, requiring a significant amount of work and expertise over a number of years. The involvement of residents and businesses in that process was crucial from the very beginning, and I would like to thank everyone who engaged with us and provided valuable feedback to help shape the Plan.”


People can view the plan and find out more about the process that led to its adoption at


Printed copies of the Plan will also be made available to view at Daventry District

Council’s offices in Lodge Road, Daventry, and at libraries across the District.


Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Charity