Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBraunston Village CharityBVN (Braunston Village news)

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November/December - Winter is coming 16 Jan 2025 (Braunston Canal Society) Vegetation clearance continues

During November the Thursday crew of 6 continued with the onside cutting of vegetation between the junction and bridge 98 (Ivy bridge). This time, a large bramble thicket that was encroaching on the towpath and several stumps that have been giving rise to fender growth were cut back.

The Saturday crew of 7 completed much of the annual grounds maintenance at Union Canal Carriers. A bay tree was pruned back. Arisings from cutting the hedges earlier in the week were collected and transported to the UCC paddock along with the vegetation strimmed from the ditch.

To take advantage of the flight closure ad hoc task parties completed the installation of a center bollard on the onside of lock 2. Several weeks of not being used gave the concrete time to fully cure before being stressed by boats.

For December the team of 9 split into 2 groups. Three went up to the tunnel entrance and cleared part of a tree that had fallen across the horse track along with other overhanging branches. The other 6 set about using Skippy to clear onside and offside vegetation around bridge 91(A45).



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Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBraunston Village CharityBVN (Braunston Village news)