Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Charity

About Us

We are a group of mainly local volunteers, formed in February 2012 to improve and maintain the section of the Grand Union Canal that runs through Braunston.

In December 2012 we applied for and were granted an Adoption Agreement with The Canals and Rivers Trust Charity (CRT) who took over responsibility for all the English and Welsh Canals from British Waterways. CRT supply our safety equipment, most of our tools and hire in machinery such as chainsaws and chippers should we need them along with providing the necessary training to use them.

We consider the canal an amenity and would like to encourage all to take advantage of it. To this end we hold regular task party days on the second Thursday and last Saturday of each month. We meet at 10am and finish around 2pm with a break around 12:30 when we supply tea/coffee/biscuits and volunteers can bring a light lunch if they so wish. Additional task days are held should an opportunity arise. As well as looking after the flight of six double locks we intend to vary the type of tasks and projects we get involved in by working closely with CRT enlisting their support where necessary. We would encourage any visitors to our adopted section of the canal (tunnel entrance to Humphris bridge (89) and Braunston junction to Ivy bridge(98)) to relay their observations and ideas to us. They can then be considered for incorporation into future task days. If you would like to know more about the society or are considering volunteering with us you can email us at :-

           [email protected]

          or phone/text Clive on 07817 435911. 

To see BCS in action click the AGM Videos tab.

Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Charity