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Huge work party clears the offside 5 Feb 2015 (Braunston Canal Society) 11 members of Braunston Canal Society cleared the overgrown offside vegetation opposite The Stop House.

The offside bank opposite The Stop House had become overgrown again since the societys last clearance 2 years ago. The effect on this was to block the vision of boaters coming out of the marina and heading towards the Braunston Turn. New Chairman, Nick Strivens congratulated all the members who turned out on a cold morning for the work that had been done. The work party was also able to strim the grass on the island at the turn which will allow the dafodils to be more visiable in the spring.

Chairman Nick also thanked the Union Canal Carrying Company (UCCC)  which is based at bottom lock on the Braunston flight for the use of their workboat ROGER. Without UCCC's asssistance it would not have been possible to achieve these works.

Thanks also to Avril from Gongoozlers who supplied us with hot drinks.

We hope you enjoy the photos and if you would like to join our group then please contact either Nick on 01788 890764 or Graham on 01788 890143.

Keep an eye on the village events diary for future work parties.


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Braunston Village CharityBVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and Information