Braunston has been twinned with Quincy-Voisins, a small town about 50 kilometres to the east of Paris, since 1984. The Twinning Association aims to foster relations between the two towns by organising exchange visits between families.
It is a voluntary organisation and membership is open to all interested individuals, families, clubs and other bodies from Braunston and surrounding villages.
The Association is independent of any financial support from the Parish Council and raises funds through various events held during the year. Exchange visits occur annually and fund-raising events are held locally from time to time throughout the year.
The ability to speak French is not a requirement and host families are carefully matched to enable visitors to enjoy the experience of short term immersion in French family life. Your help and support, in any form, would be most welcome. Why not come along to one of our meetings to find out how to become involved? We'd love to meet you. Twinning is the gateway to a visit to France unmatched by any other means.