Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Charity

BVGA Activities

Braunston Village Gardens Association (BVGA) is a village club that has an active programme throughout the year. Everyone in the village is automatically a member, no joining fee. Please contact us to find out more.

We are very open to new ideas, for example in the past we ran a successful junior gardening competition in June and July. You do not have to be involved with every event. Just let us know what you would be interested in supporting.

We have a BVGA Supporters list. Anyone on the list receives an email update linked to events that we run. However, we promise to keep emails to a minimum.

BVGA Events 2024

Sundays from beginning of March 11am to 12pm until the end of  May.

Braunston Community Garden Shop open at Village Hall.

Saturday 11th May 9.30am to 12pm.

BVGA Plant Sale with Braunston Bakes and Jetty Field Association - Buy a variety of flowering, fruit and vegetable plants

A secret date in the summer!

Gardens competition- all businesses & residences

Bragborough Open Garden 9th June 

Saturday 7th September 

Braunston Show - a wonderful opportunity to see just what Braunston residents can do!

Thursday 7th December AGM 7.30pm to 8.00pm

Followed by a planning meeting

BVGA regular activities 2024

Planning meetings – 7.30pm start

2nd Thursday of month.

Thursday 8th February

Thursday 8th March

Thursday 9th May

Thursday 13th June if needed

Thursday 11th July

Thursday 8th August if needed

Thursday 10th September

Thursday 10th October - planning for 2025

Thursday 14th November – if needed

Thursday 12th December - AGM followed by a planning meeting.

Community Gardening

Members garden on a Friday morning, 9.30am to 10.45am and then go for coffee. Join us at any time. We start in February/March and continue until October.




The Typical BVGA Year

Month Activity Month Activity




Gardens competition

Community gardening


Community gardening

Garden Shop Preorders


Summer social

Community gardening


Community gardening

Garden Shop OPENS


Braunston Show

Community gardening


Garden Shop open

Community gardening


Community gardening


Community gardening

Annual Plant Sale 

Garden Shop open


Gardens competition

Community gardening

Open Gardens





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Volunteering in the Village Hall gardens. - James volunteered his time to weed the Help Yourself Herb Garden during spring 2020. In addition James supported the BVGA by creating posters for our plant sales and Garden Store. All helped James achieve his volunteering section of the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Well done, James - Photographer Kate MawerTackling the spreading Rose of Sharon - Photographer Kate MawerBulb planting to brighten up the school entrancePlanters ready for the front entranceVisit to the National Herb CentreBVGA Plant Sale 11th May - Thank you to everyone who came along to buy from the wonderful selection of perennials, shrubs and bedding plants at our annual plant sale.  Stall holders were sustained by some delicious Braunston Bakes chocolate brownies and The Jetty Field Association arrived from their work day to pick up some plants in their wheelbarrows. The great community Braunston atmosphere even brought the sunshine out.  - Photographer K AndrewsBVGA Plant Sale 11th May - Thank you to everyone who came along to buy from the wonderful selection of perennials, shrubs and bedding plants at our annual plant sale.  Stall holders were sustained by some delicious Braunston Bakes chocolate brownies and The Jetty Field Association arrived from their work day to pick up some plants in their wheelbarrows. The great community Braunston atmosphere even brought the sunshine out.  - Photographer K AndrewsBVGA Plant Sale 11th May - Thank you to everyone who came along to buy from the wonderful selection of perennials, shrubs and bedding plants at our annual plant sale.  Stall holders were sustained by some delicious Braunston Bakes chocolate brownies and The Jetty Field Association arrived from their work day to pick up some plants in their wheelbarrows. The great community Braunston atmosphere even brought the sunshine out.  - Photographer K AndrewsBVGA Plant Sale 11th May - Thank you to everyone who came along to buy from the wonderful selection of perennials, shrubs and bedding plants at our annual plant sale.  Stall holders were sustained by some delicious Braunston Bakes chocolate brownies and The Jetty Field Association arrived from their work day to pick up some plants in their wheelbarrows. The great community Braunston atmosphere even brought the sunshine out.  - Photographer K AndrewsOpen GardensOpen GardensOpen GardensA beautiful stroll through Coton Manor Bluebell Woods April 2014BVGA April 2014 visit to Coton ManorBVGA volunteers start the spring tidying of The Jubilee Garden
Braunston Village Hall - Hiring and InformationBVN (Braunston Village news)Braunston Village Charity