To improve the nutrition, health, and wellbeing of children across the country.
The School Food Plan has recommended that children eat a school meal for lunch. This is because school meals:
are good quality
meet tough nutrition standards
introduce children to new foods and food education
teach children table manners and to sit down to a meal together as a social activity
Areas that have piloted free school meals for everyone have even reported improved attainment and attention in afternoon lessons.
Of course, there’s also the added benefit of savings passed directly on to families.
How do I order?
Most primary schools in the county use catering provider Nourish, which is taking online orders now.
If your child’s school does not use Nourish, speak to them directly about how to sign up for school meals.
Free School Meals for older children
School meals are free for children in any year group if you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit. Even if your child is in Year 2 or below and would receive a free meal anyway, please apply through Free School Meals as you child’s school will receive additional funding.