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Affordable homes in Braunston 27 Oct 2015 More affordable homes planned to meet ongoing need in Braunston

Article provided by Katherine Bradley of Word Association Ltd 

Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association (NRHA) is set to further meet the needs of the local community with plans underway for Phase 3 of its successful rural affordable housing development in Braunston.

Funding of £405,000 has already been received from the Homes and Communities Agency and NRHA is working closely with Braunston Parish Council and Daventry District Council to bring the plans to fruition.

In 2002, NRHA completed Phase 1 of the development when 10 affordable homes were built for people with a local connection to Braunston.  The further need for local affordable homes was met in 2006 when 10 additional properties were developed in Phase 2.

A Housing Needs Survey undertaken in Braunston in Autumn 2013 revealed that the high price of local houses was still preventing local people from being able to afford to buy a home in the village in which they had been brought up.

As a result, NRHA is now planning to build a further 12 homes for Phase 3 of the development, with 10 available for affordable rent and two for shared ownership.

The homes will be a mixture of two and three bedroom houses and two bedroom bungalows.  Priority will be given to people with a local connection including those who live or work in Braunston.

The development has already made a real difference to many local people including Lisa Webb who moved in when Phase 2 was built.  Born and bred in Braunston, Lisa had moved away from the village and been unable to return as house prices were too expensive.

“When the bungalow became available through Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association I was so happy to return to Braunston,” Lisa says.  “It’s a real shame to see youngsters having to move away.  It’s great that more affordable homes are being built in such a lovely village.  I love it here.”

Craig Felts, Company Secretary of NRHA said: “It is clear that there is an ongoing need for affordable properties in Braunston and we are pleased to be working positively with the Council and the community once again to address this.
“We are committed to providing local homes for local people so they are not forced to move from villages such as Braunston.”

Endorsing the plans, Peter Morgan, Chair of Braunston Parish Council, added: “Braunston Parish Council is pleased to support plans for the Phase 3 development at Maple Close, Braunston and welcomes the opportunity to collaborate further with Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association to enhance the provision of affordable housing in the village.”

Daventry District Councillor Abigail Campbell, said: “Braunston's housing needs survey, and further consultation with villagers during the neighbourhood planning process, identified a clear need for more affordable housing.  The Parish Council understands that meeting this need is key to the future health of the village, allowing older residents to downsize and younger people to stay in the village with their families.”

It is hoped that work will be able to start on site in Spring 2016.


For more information contact Katherine Bradley at Word Association on 01827 373871.

Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association (NRHA) is committed to providing affordable homes in rural Northamptonshire for local people and families who would not otherwise be able to afford to live within their own communities.


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