2015 has been a very successful year for Northamptonshire Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire. We have made great strides in delivering my ambition to make Northamptonshire the safest place in England.
For example:
The number of fulltime, frontline officers protected at 1,220
Visited over 100 Parish Councils to engage in ‘Parish Walkabouts’
The number of Special Police Constables recruited passed the 600 mark
Seen a reduction of 50% in most serious violence over my term in office
Tackled Child Sexual Exploitation and Online Safety through announcing my Ten-Point Pledge, committing an extra £1million to tackle CSE and support victims, and consulting with 13,000 young people and parents on the issues around online safety
Launched a Rural Action Strategy document to promote safety and well-being in rural communities
Worked together with Northamptonshire County Council to lead the way on integrating the police force and the fire and rescue service.
Delivering such an ambitious goal is a challenging, but worthwhile undertaking. Not only are we increasing Police visibility through augmenting the number of Specials recruited to the Force, we are tackling the varying needs of Northamptonshire urban and rural areas, and ensuring that victims of crime are put at the centre of the criminal justice system to help them through the process as seamlessly as possible. All this is being achieved against a backdrop of increasing pressure on our local services and reductions in public spending. I am proud, however that we have been able to deliver so much and that the improvements we have made are now making a real difference to residents across our county.
As we prepare to bid farewell to 2015, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Christmas, and a prosperous New Year.