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Braunston Village Information News

Neighbourhood Plan Referendum 27 Jan 2017 Your vote counts!

At its meeting of Full Council on 8th December 2016 Daventry District Council agreed that the Braunston Neighbourhood Development Plan, with modifications, should proceed to referendum which will take place on Thursday 16th February 2017.

Further information, is available on the Council’s website at the following page;

Hard copies of the referendum documents and the Councils decision statement can also be viewed at the following locations;

  • Daventry District Council Offices (Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP) - Monday to Thursday 8.30 - 17.00, Friday 8.30 – 16.30
  • Braunston Village Stores (48-52 High Street, Braunston, NN11 7HR) - Monday to Saturday 6.00-19.30, Sunday 6.00-18.00


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