Do you tend to avoid motorways, feel less confident driving on them than you would like, don't like joining them, or have a general issue? If so, this free event is for you.
Each session (of around 2 hours) starts with a short classroom session about motorway driving delivered by Northamptonshire Police's Driver Training Unit. Following that you will go out in a marked police car, from Police HQ to the M1, where an officer from the Roads Policing Unit will demonstrate how to join and leave the motorway safely, how to change lane and judge speed.
Once you have returned, you can practice what you have just learnt by having a free motorway taster drive in your own vehicle with a qualified Observer from Northampton Advanced Motorists.
The event is free and will take place at Police Headquarters, Wootton Hall, Northampton NN4 0JQ. There are a number of sessions throughout the day. Booking is essential.
A partnership event between Northampton Advanced Motorists and Northamptonshire Police's Roads Policing Unit and Driver Training Unit.