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The World of Vivienne Westwood 15 Mar 2024 Step Into a World of Vivienne Westwood at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery

People are invited to discover the beauty, innovation and artistry of Vivienne Westwood clothing and footwear through the eyes of private collector, Lee Price.

Lee, originally from Kettering, worked for Vivienne Westwood in the mid 90's for 18 years and has been collecting Westwood clothing and accessories for over 35 years. This exhibition is the result of a collaboration between Lee and Northampton Museum and Art Gallery.

Dame Vivienne Westwood is arguably the most influential British fashion designer of the twentieth century. Her name is synonymous with punk and creating iconic fashion collections that combine an encyclopaedic knowledge of fashion history and tradition with an ability to defy convention and incite provocation.

From X rated t shirts and bondage boots to corsets, tartan and tweed her clothes always inspire and provoke comment.

Councillor Adam Brown, Deputy Leader of West Northamptonshire Council and Cabinet Member for Housing, Culture and Leisure, said: “After the success of PUNK: Rage & Revolution, it is marvellous to see another iconic figure from that era taking centre stage at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery.

“The collection offers visitors a chance to peer into a moment of time through the eyes of Lee Price, an experienced member of the fashion world with a personal connection to the Vivienne Westwood brand.

“It offers the people of Northamptonshire and beyond a chance to see some truly unique pieces of fashion and history in a striking environment.”

The exhibition opens in the Temporary Gallery at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery on Saturday 16 March and will run until Sunday 9 June with free entry.

Disclaimer: The Vivienne Westwood group and brand was not involved in the curation or organisation of this exhibition. It is not an institutional partnership with Vivienne Westwood Limited.

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