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Braunston Canal Society News

April - Towpath tactics 13 May 2023 French drain installed to improve towpath

After performing the first grass cut of the year at Midland Chandlers and the adjacent facilities area the towpath issues below lock 4 were the next target for the BCS crews.

Prior to the last task party in April two adhoc days prepared the trench for a French drain installation below lock 4. This was to capture water seeping through the bank from the field above that consequently floods the towpath. On the task day 'Skippy' was used to bring the crew and materials to the site.  After removing the loosened spoil from the trench the drain was laid and spliced into two existing land drain pipes that ran under the towpath. The job was completed a few days later by seeding the bank to reinstating the grass. The grass had been destroyed by people trying to avoid the muddy towpath and contractors driving their sit-on mower up the bank. Both actions had compounded the problem by destabilising the bank allowing mud to be washed onto the towpath.

The towpath now requires topping up with stone to create the slope required to shed remaining surface water into the canal.


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