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Braunston Canal Society News

Safety risks averted 15 Oct 2018 New gate at bridge 90 (A45) and towpath pothole filled.

The primary task for the Thursday crew was to replace the gate at the top of the steps at Bridge 90 (A45). A great deal of vegetation was removed including overhanging bushes and ivy that was encrusting the fence posts. With this out of the way and the steps cleaned of soil and encroaching weeds seven of the crew set about preparing the fences for painting. Meanwhile Dave Weller and Cameron Philip got stuck into the days second task of filling a pothole in the nearby towpath. Much to Cameron's amazement the hole swallowed 6 bags of concrete rubble, 2 bags of postcrete and a bag of type 1 stone. After a well needed coffee break the painting of the fence got underway while Dave applied his skills to fitting the gate with the help of two willing apprentices. The objectives achieved signalled another satisfying day for the whole team.  


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