Events overtook BCS plans for the task parties in may. The day prior to the Thursday task party a torrential downpour and subsequent flood had gouged out the towpath below lock 5. Luckily, the planned towpath restoration task meant BCS had some stone already loaded aboard 'Skippy'. After repairing some towpath damage below lock 3 the crew proceeded to lock 5 where, after a coffee break, they started to fill in the gouge. Some of the stone from the towpath had been washed into the canal. The remaining displaced stone, the stone from Skippy and stone that had previously been stored at lock 5 was insufficient to make good the towpath. This meant they could not use the bag of fine grit they had onboard to surface the path. After lunch break this was unloaded and stored at lock 5 ready for future use. This made room onboard Skippy for another visit with two more bags of stone that would be required to finish the job.
The Saturday crew of 6 finished the repair by laying more type1 stone topped off with grit and wackering to consolidate.