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Braunston Canal Society News

Lockdown sandwich 20 Jan 2021 Volunteering activity limited by COVID-19 restrictions

For the only task party between the lockdowns a BCS crew of seven were split into two groups. The first group concentrated on tidying up the junction water point and bin compound. A rebranded information sign was also fitted. The second group made a start on their twin bridges project by removing vegetation from the bridge structure at the
junction. On instruction from CRT and after due diligence the saplings on the island were also removed. Working together with Braunston Climate Action Network (BCAN) BCS are hoping to replace these with wild flowers. The hedge overhanging the bridge abutment will be cut back at a later date when BCS have the means to dispose of the
copious amount of arisings that will be produced.

Having failed to locate the missing ½ and ¾ mileposts on the flight BCS put in a request to Canal and River Trust to search their maintenance yards for possible replacements. Luckily two were found at Gayton yard. Unfortunately they were both ¼ mileposts. Undaunted BCS, with the generous help of Union Canal Carriers, set about modifying them to the required mileage. After being painted and the necessary permissions obtained they will be reinstated when COVID restrictions allow.


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