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Braunston Canal Society News

October - Veg, Veg, Veg 2 Dec 2024 Onside and offside clearance of vegetation above top lock and at bridge 98

As a prelude to the scheduled Thursday task party BCS were joined on the Wednesday by 5 volunteers from Network Rail. After moving Skippy up the flight, the team of 8 cut onside vegetation above top lock. Skippy, now back in action, transported four loads of arisings to the offside for 'eco' stacking.
The following day BCS were very happy to receive a donation of BCS tabards and gloves from Sarah and Geoff as part of the continued support from Galliford Try. The day then proceeded with an ideally sized crew of 5 BCS volunteers cutting back several overhanging willows on the offside with Skippy being returned to the Marina in good time.

The Saturday crew of 8 split into two groups after cruising Skippy to bridge 98. The main task of the day was to clear up after the contractors had dealt with a fallen tree. Branches that had fallen into the water were removed. Some required pulling out using ropes with Skippy's momentum. An adjacent fallen tree was also cut back and all arising transported to a suitable stash site on the onside. The steps at bridge 98 were inspected and encroaching vegetation given a trim. A group of blackthorns overhanging the towpath were also cut back.


In conjunction with transporting CRT engineers to survey the island coping; the team took the oportunity to strim the island vegetation. 


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