Octobers first task party saw a crew of 4 strim the junction island utilising workboat ‘Skippy 2 Sheds’ while another group of 7 addressed the grounds at Midland Chandlers and the adjacent waterpoint/sanitary station/waste disposal area. The damaged gate on the bin compound was repaired and improved gate furniture applied to the entrance gate. After two visits the area is now under control and looking much more welcoming.
For the next outing, undaunted by the wet start, the team of 10 split into two groups. Four cleared vegetation from each side of the ladder bridge to facilitate inspection by engineers. Seven bags of arisings were transported to UCC for composting. The remaining six performed the demanding task of removing what was left of the loose chicken wire on the wooden marina bridge and applied new wire. This proved more time consuming than expected and caused us to go into overtime!